Group in Costume Posing

Girls Performing in Costume

Don't wait till the last minute, or you'll be last in line.
Call! Reserve your class today! So you aren't left behind.

 We look forward to dancing with you!
 Registration for our Fall 2024-Spring 2025 season is now open. 
Classes begin September 3rd and run through May 17th.
Registration closes September 14th. 

Please click here for a printable Schedule and Registration Instructions. 

Once you've decided what you'd like to do, Please copy and paste this link in your computer's address bar. 552634  
You will be redirected to "Jackrabbit" where you can easily create an account and register your dancer. 

Questions?  Please contact Miss Tami at 720-318-6220 or

may your day be filled with reasons for rejoicing!